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The content written by any author on this site is the opinion of the author and not intended to malign or harm in any way any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or thing, especially those with the ability and desire to bring suit or any other action against the SoundsLikeIndie site or its authors. The authors themselves are responsible for the content they post, not their employer, volunteer group, membership organization, religious organization, or other agencies which the authors may be thought to or in fact do represent. Additionally Victor Bennicelli or the SoundsLikeIndie site is not responsible, nor will be held liable, for anything anyone posts on the blog’s various comments sections, nor the laws which they may break in your country or theirs through their comments’ content, implication, and intent.

The website has content that is constantly in transition. The information on this site may or may not retain its accuracy or validity at any point after its posting and therefore absolving SoundsLikeIndie and its authors from any legal action.

Unless clarified by any caption on the SoundsLikeIndie site, media, including pictures, audio, video and any hyperlinks, used on this site are not owned in any way by Victor Bennicelli or the SoundsLikeIndie site. All songs, artwork, photos and other media are the property of the artists.

All written content, excluding media (images, audio), unless cited otherwise, is the property of Victor Bennicelli.  Anyone who copies work written by Victor Bennicelli or any authors on the SoundsLikeIndie without the expressed permission of the author may face legal action to remedy any losses accrued by said authors.

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Theme by Anders Norén